Saturday, December 27, 2014

Slow Simmered Turkey Bone Broth with Turkey Tail Fungi

As winter unfolds a soft, satisfying path here at RavenCroft Garden we turn to heart and hearth for sustenance. The dried fruits and herbs of summer find their way into delicious dishes, nourishing punches and vital healing infusions…

 Solstice after-glow
Solstice was a festive celebration of the sun's return and a day when a fresh flush of turkey tail fungi revealed their delicately ringed semi-circles with ruffled edges on a pollarded willow. A perfect herb for enriching the turkey bone broth with a boost of winter immune support.

Trametes versicolor, Turkey Tail fungi
Harvested turkey tails

After 22 years the gardens are entering a relaxed wild phase. Much like the phases in our lives, gardens take new shapes and forms over time. Letting in the wild edges and gently cultivating hedges allows for fungi and other wild, shall I dare say "weedy" guests to join the raucous caravan.  As rain pours its heart into new micro-ponds and rivulets find their way to the lower reaches of the orchard, a savory, deeply nourishing soup bubbles on the wood stove. When did you last enjoy the wonderful fragrance of a simmering pot of turkey soup?

Heirloom Turkey Noodle Soup with Garden Fresh Leek and Turkey Tail Fungi

1 Turkey carcass
1 onion chopped
1 carrot chopped
1 stalk celery chopped
1/2 cup turkey tail fungi fresh or dried
1/2 cup white wine (dandelion if you have it, come for a spring class and learn to make your own if you don't!) 
1/4 cup light flavored herbed vinegar 

Break down left over turkey bones and place in kettle which holds the bones and vegetables comfortably and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil then turn to simmer and cook for 6-8 hours or overnight. This can be done on a wood stove, in a crock pot or on a stove top.

When done, remove bones, vegetables and turkey tails; save meat and broth.
Fresh garden leeks from sweet earth
1 cup fresh leeks
Sauté in turkey fat, butter or olive oil 
reserved broth, salt and pepper to taste and cook for 1/2 - 1 hour

Winter sustenance from the garden

Add: Cooked egg noodles
Turkey meat
Fresh or frozen greens, optional

Simmer until all ingredients are warm.  Serve with hardy bread and butter and a simple Waldorf Salad made with chopped apples, celery, walnuts and mayonnaise. 

One easy, delicious dish! 

Winter Blessings...

 (Bones go to chickens, then to garden, cats and I share the rest)

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