Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Twenty six...

That's how many plants we identified in the Maple Tribe eco-system we visited while foraging nettle last weekend!
Maple Grove with ephemeral ground cover 4/15/17

The scent of fall leaves slowly becoming humus in the warming earth was intoxicating!

Gathering nettle for the winter store is an uplifting spring excursion. Fresh air, sunlight, all makes for an innervating experience that shakes winter from our bones...

Going outside and playing...
Every chance you can nourishes heart and soul!
The gathering basket...

Bleeding Heart

Twenty-six Maple Tribe plants by common name:

1. Waterleaf
2. Shotweed
3. Jewelweed
4. Huechera
5. Dandelion
6. Bleeding Heart
7. Corydalis
8. Wild Cucumber
9. Big Leaf Maple
10. Salmonberry
11. Snowberry
12. Nipplewort
13. Nettle
14. Red elder
15. Cleavers
16. Indian Plum
17. Sword Fern
18. Licorice Fern
Maple Grove looking east 
19. Vine maple
20. Himalayan Blackberry
21. Thistle
22. Lady fern
23. Buttercup
24. Conk
25. Burdock remnants
26. Sedge

Did you make it out nettling this spring?
What did you see/find in your quest?

Stay tuned...Hawthorn flowers and leaves are coming soon!